Partnership for Sustainable COVID‑19 Economic Recovery: Canadian Law/Policy/Action Research Engaging across the Commonwealth
Cordonier-Segger, Marie-Claire |
University of Waterloo | $23,668
SSHRC Ontario 2020
Motion | Stop | Motion: Self-Imaging Racialized Girlhoods in the Time of COVID-19
Sriskandarajah, Anuppiriya |
York University | $15,934
SSHRC Ontario 2020
COVID-19: Remote Dancing and Mask-making in the Toronto Caribbean Community at a time of Physical Distancing
Ong, Yuzhi Joel |
York University | $24,739
SSHRC Ontario 2020
Violence against Women Services in a Pandemic: Mobilizing Research to Effect Change
Wathen, Nadine |
Western University | $30,347
SSHRC Ontario 2020
Supporting Social Innovation in the context of COVID-19
Lapointe, Sandra |
McMaster University | $24,627
SSHRC Ontario 2020
COVID-19: Supporting online language learning: Fostering pedagogical innovation in a time of crisis
Piccardo, Enrica |
University of Toronto | $24,991
SSHRC Ontario 2020
COVID-19: Fiscal policy implications of the pandemic
Smart, Michael |
University of Toronto | $24,950
SSHRC Ontario 2020
Housing and Financial Markets, Boom-Bust Cycles, and Government Policies
Kuruscu, Burhanettin |
University of Toronto | $19,690
SSHRC Ontario 2020
Do-it-Yourself Forensics: The Rise of at-home Sexual Assaults Kits during the COVID‑19 Pandemic
Quinlan, Andrea G.R. |
University of Waterloo | $29,808
SSHRC Ontario 2020
Back to the future? Public enterprise and Canadian economic development prospects
McBride, Stephen |
McMaster University | $37,263
SSHRC Ontario 2020