Adapting and adopting highly specialized pediatric eating disorder treatment to virtual care: Implementation research for the COVID‑19 context and beyond
COVID-19 Variant Supplement – CovidFree@Home: Development and validation of a multivariable prediction model of deterioration in patients diagnosed with COVID‑19 who are managing at home
The Randomized Embedded Multifactorial Adaptive Platform Trial in Community-acquired Pneumonia (REMAP-CAP): Building an International Research Response to Variant COVID-19
Development of high throughput, inexpensive and scalable testing to detect SARS-CoV-2 antibodies using home blood collection kits and a fully automated ELISA antibody assay
Long COVID and Episodic Disability: Advancing the Conceptualization, Measurement and Knowledge of Episodic Disability with people living with Long COVID
Knowledge mobilization activities to support decision-making by public citizens using a systematic and living map of evidence and recommendations on COVID-19