Understanding and responding to self-perceived stressors among parents and youth due to the COVID‑19 pandemic: Informing an evidence-based public health approach
The landscape of risk: examining the correlates of inequitable COVID‑19 infection and vaccination rates in Manitoba using population-based laboratory and administrative healthcare data
Covid-19 Pandemic Concealing a Syndemic of Concern: Sex, Gender, Methamphetamine and Sexually Transmitted and Blood Borne Infections in People Living with HIV in Manitoba
An mHealth Intervention and Community Partnership to Promote Mental Health in Children born to Mothers with Depression and Psychosocial Stress during COVID-19: A randomized controlled trial
Optimisation de la résilience à la COVID‑19 des établissements de soins de longue durée desservant des minorités linguistico-culturelles au Manitoba, Nouveau Brunswick et Québec : évaluation et coconstruction d’approches innovantes pour optimiser la participation sociale des familles et proches aidants aux défis de potentielles éclosions
kitatipithitamak mithwayawin: Evaluating impacts of an existing Indigenous-led project on COVID-19, which includes past work on risk communication, present work on digital health, and a future international gathering for impacted Indigenous communities around the world.