Understanding and responding to self-perceived stressors among parents and youth due to the COVID‑19 pandemic: Informing an evidence-based public health approach
The landscape of risk: examining the correlates of inequitable COVID‑19 infection and vaccination rates in Manitoba using population-based laboratory and administrative healthcare data
Optimisation de la résilience à la COVID‑19 des établissements de soins de longue durée desservant des minorités linguistico-culturelles au Manitoba, Nouveau Brunswick et Québec : évaluation et coconstruction d’approches innovantes pour optimiser la participation sociale des familles et proches aidants aux défis de potentielles éclosions
kitatipithitamak mithwayawin: Evaluating impacts of an existing Indigenous-led project on COVID-19, which includes past work on risk communication, present work on digital health, and a future international gathering for impacted Indigenous communities around the world.