Understanding and responding to self-perceived stressors among parents and youth due to the COVID‑19 pandemic: Informing an evidence-based public health approach
Mieux vaut prévenir que guérir : les arts comme véhicules de transfert et d’échange de connaissances (TEC) en santé publique dans un contexte de pandémie
The landscape of risk: examining the correlates of inequitable COVID‑19 infection and vaccination rates in Manitoba using population-based laboratory and administrative healthcare data
Reconnect: community-based action research to promote resilience and wellbeing in immigrant, refugee and racialized children and their families during and after the COVID‑19 pandemic
Promoting protection of others to increase future COVID‑19 booster shot vaccination intentions in younger adult Canadians: Evaluating the efficacy of a short video-based intervention
Covid-19 Pandemic Concealing a Syndemic of Concern: Sex, Gender, Methamphetamine and Sexually Transmitted and Blood Borne Infections in People Living with HIV in Manitoba