La cohésion sociale est-elle possible en situation de crises multiples? L’influence des politiques publiques entourant le coronavirus (2019-nCoV) et les préjugés envers les citoyens et citoyennes d’origine chinoise
Surveilling the impact of local public health on COVID- 19: A model and application for capturing high-resolution insights from the front-lines during a pandemic
Assessing the impact of the COVID‑19 pandemic on social and health outcomes among young people: A mixed-method comparative analysis in Canada and France
Interventions to Mitigate COVID‑19 Related Mental Health Risks for Those With Pre-Existing Chronic Health Conditions and Facing Social and Economic Barriers: A Scoping and Rapid Realist Review
Senior public health leadership during the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak: Comparative approaches to mitigating the spread of infectious disease and its social consequences in Canada and abroad
Quelles sont les répercussions de la pandémie du COVID‑19 sur la santé mentale des enfants de 5-12 ans, et quels sont les enjeux particuliers pour les enfants handicapés ou ayant une maladie chronique? Une scoping review des problématiques vécues et des pistes d’interventions prometteuses.
Supporting children and adolescents’ mental health in the context of pandemic and confinement: A scoping review of interventions and ethical challenges
Improving the care of older adults living with dementia across Canada during the COVID‑19 pandemic: a mixed methods study to inform policy and practice