Presence of Family: (re)Integrating Family Caregivers

Conklin, James | $149,997

Ontario Bruyère Research Institute 2020 CIHR Operating Grant

The “Presence of Family: (Re)Integrating Essential Care Partners in Ontario’s LTC Homes” project will help to develop and disseminate a promising practice intervention concerning the presence of family members in LTC. Our work will help essential care partners, who are chosen by the resident and who provide them with vital physical/psycho-social care, to have safe access to the LTC home. Drawing on existing approaches and tools supported by The Change Foundation, Ontario Caregiver Organization (OCO), Ontario Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care (CLRI), and the Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement, the 3 homes we are working with have initiated a Designated Care Partner (DCP) program that combines training with a commitment to follow safety protocols and use ID badges, and facilitates greater access for essential care partners to the home. We will use developmental evaluation and a rapid scoping review to support the homes as they implement the intervention. To assist with spreading the learning from this work, we are convening an Advisory Board (AB) that includes members from participating LTC homes, family members, the Ontario Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care, Ontario Caregiver Organization, Family Councils Ontario, Ontario Association of Residents’ Councils, Ontario Health-HQO, AdvantAge Ontario, Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare, and Bruyere Continuing Care.

With funding from the Government of Canada

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