Follow CONCEPTION Study and Mitigate Pandemic Effects on Families

Lippé, Sarah | $150,000

Quebec Centre hospitalier universitaire Sainte-Justine 2021 CIHR Operating Grant

The COVID19 doubled the prevalence of women presenting with mental health symptoms during pregnancy and the postpartum period. The demonstrated increases in prenatal maternal depression during the COVID19 pandemic is alarming since maternal stress, anxiety and depression during pregnancy have been associated with several deleterious psychological and health-related consequences on mothers and their babies. These include neonatal events, postnatal mental health, mother’-infants psychological well-being and attachment, children’s neurological, neuropsychological and psychological outcomes. This research project will follow up with the 2468 Canadian women participating in the CONCEPTION Study and their children until 18 months to extract information on families who might need services in the coming months and years. We will investigate maternal symptoms trajectories as well as infants’ behavioral and cognitive outcomes. Importantly, we will partner with several networks and agencies across Canada to provide navigation tools for those searching for services. This research project will be directly beneficial to Canadians by estimating the consequences of the pandemic on infants’ neurodevelopment nationally (current N=2468 Canadian women). It will provide the valued information of how many and to which extent care providers need to be prepared to offer timely services. It will bring forth additional and timely care solutions for families across Canada.

With funding from the Government of Canada

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