Countermeasures to the supply chain disruptions in medical and pharmaceutical industries

Toyasaki, Fuminori | $130,600

Ontario York University 2020 CIHR Operating Grant

The intended research project focuses on the supply chain disruptions that medical/pharmaceutical industries are currently facing in the Novel Coronavirus Outbreak, due to the suppliers’ strategic hoarding and consumers’ panic buying behavior under psychological and behavioral uncertainties. Specifically, this proposed research project explores: factors that delay the resilience of medical/pharmaceutical industries’ supply chain disruptions caused by the Novel Coronavirus Outbreak; and the feasibility of two countermeasures to the virus outbreak that we propose: (1) establishing a collaborative stock sharing/transshipment system; and (2) making an incentive contract with a potential second source that can produce highly customized medical/pharmaceutical items (e.g., protective clothing for or a new drug for novel viruses).

With funding from the Government of Canada

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