Operationalizing ‘best practices’ that promote healthy lifestyles and mental health to mitigate the impact of the COVID‑19 pandemic on elementary school children in disadvantaged communities
Assessing and Mitigating the Food Insecurity Consequences of COVID‑19 Public Health Measures on Marginalized Refugees and Migrants in Canada, Latin America and Africa
Why have suicide rates not increased during the pandemic? An interrupted time series of suicides in Ontario to examine changes in demographics and methods during the pandemic; an interrupted time series analysis and descriptive study of suicides looking at the effects of states of emergencies on suicides; and a mixed methods study of people who survive opioid overdoses to examine whether suicide deaths have been displaced into opioid overdose deaths.
Demystifying the ‘black box’ of prisoner re-entry and addressing the mental health and substance use needs and service disruptions for people released from custody during the COVID‑19 pandemic