COVID-19: Social Networks, Unequal Pandemic, and Socioeconomic Impacts
Pongou, Roland |
University of Ottawa | $24,139
SSHRC Ontario 2020
The COVID‑19 pandemic and its implications for the Canadian national security and intelligence community
Juneau, Thomas A. |
University of Ottawa | $19,960
SSHRC Ontario 2020
Giving birth during a pandemic: Women’s delivery experiences in the COVID‑19 era
Tschirhart, Naomi A. |
University of Ottawa | $25,000
SSHRC Ontario 2020
COVID-19 : Les leçons de la COVID‑19 pour la modernisation de la Loi sur les langues officielles
Larocque, François |
University of Ottawa | $24,991
SSHRC Ontario 2020
COVID-19: The Role of Leaders in Shifting to and Sustaining Virtual Delivery of Social Programs
Grudniewicz, Agnieszka D. |
University of Ottawa | $24,692
SSHRC Ontario 2020
COVID-19: Developing a digital toolkit to support early childhood STEM education
Tippett, Christine D. |
University of Ottawa | $24,840
SSHRC Ontario 2020
Briser l’isolement des aînés en centre d’hébergement de longue durée en temps de COVID-19
Harrisson, Sandra |
University of Ottawa | $24,949
SSHRC Ontario 2020
COVID-19, social safety nets, and sex work in the capital region
McKenna, Emma J. |
University of Ottawa | $23,717
SSHRC Ontario 2020