Wastewater-Based Epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 in Tertiary Care Hospitals: Advancing Wastewater Science and Providing an Early-Warning System for Hospital Transmission and Outbreaks
Mieux vaut prévenir que guérir : les arts comme véhicules de transfert et d’échange de connaissances (TEC) en santé publique dans un contexte de pandémie
Examining the effects of public health policies implemented during the COVID‑19 pandemic on unintentional injuries in children and youth in British Columbia and Ontario, including as related to equity and marginalized populations
The landscape of risk: examining the correlates of inequitable COVID‑19 infection and vaccination rates in Manitoba using population-based laboratory and administrative healthcare data
Implementing a telemedicine and remote-mentoring platform to provide integrated noncommunicable disease and COVID‑19 care in primary care facilities in rural Pakistan
Sharing Youth’s Storiis of COVID: Youth voice as a basis of understanding the broader impacts of adaptations in youth programming with a focus on micro populations