The Canadian COVID‑19 Funded Research Database
This new integrated, searchable database presents a portrait of grant-funded research to date related to COVID‑19 across Canada. It offers an at-a-glance version across six databases that consolidates information on more than 1,749 projects, grants, and awards. It was developed by CanCOVID in collaboration with the Tri-Council Agencies of Canada (the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)).
Our sincere thanks to CIHR, SSHRC and NSERC for allowing us to house this data on our website so that our visitors can access and search for information within one consolidated database.
We invite you to explore this resource to find principal investigators and funded research on topics relevant to your work, as well as to consider the distribution of COVID‑19 funding in Canada, and to learn more about specific COVID-19-related research projects in Canada. This database is updated as new funding information is released by the Tri-Council Agencies; it was last updated by CanCOVID on 05/19/2022.
Canadian COVID‑19 Funded Research Database
Quick Searches
Use our quick search function to search and filter projects by keywords (name of project lead, project title, or any keywords in the description), source, or topic in the search fields below.
Advanced Searches
If you prefer to refine your search further, please click on the Advanced Search button below and you will see several options to choose from including Funding Amount, Funding Institution, Year, Province, French/English, and Funding Agency. When using the search bar, you can search the name of the principal investigator (PI), the title of the grant, the summary that is included, or any words that would fall under those categories. You do not need to include words such as “and/or” in your search as the search function will prioritize and display projects which have all the keywords listed first, with the remaining projects which may only have some keywords included listed below the primary results. You can download all advanced search results by clicking on the Download button at the top of the Advanced Search results page. Also, please keep the following information in mind when using the advanced search:
- The agencies have different ways of reporting funding information. CIHR and NSERC financial figures represent the total amount awarded for the project. SSHRC financial figures represent the specific fiscal year, and not the entirety of the project.
- The year(s) reported reflect when projects were started and has been standardized to accommodate varying reporting cycles and periods between the three organizations. For detailed information of project release years/months/dates, please refer to the original data sources provided for each funding agency.
Data on COVID‑19 funding was aggregated for each funding agency from their respective database search engine and OpenCanada Awards data. These sources were last updated by the funding agencies during the 2020-2021 reporting cycle:
Tri-Council Database Search Engines
OpenCanada Awards Data

The OpenCanada Data (Specific links used are available above) was filtered by year using keywords (e.g., COVID-19, Coronavirus, Pandemic) to identify COVID‑19 related projects. A small percentage of projects that are not COVID‑19 related might be included due to the scope of some keywords. All funded projects retrieved through a funding agency’s search engine and their respective OpenCanada Awards data had duplicate checks performed to compile a comprehensive and consolidated list of funded projects for each organization. All CIHR data is from their quarterly UKCDR data set as submitted to the GLoPiD-R initiative, received from CIHR (May 4th, 2022, was most recent). To ensure consistency on available data, the datasets were then standardized for all three organizations, and can be filtered in the database below. Reported Years of projects has been standardized to accommodate varying reporting cycles and periods between the three organizations. For detailed information of project release years/months/dates, please refer to the original data sources provided.
Provincial Breakdown
Data on COVID‑19 funded research in Canada was aggregated for each funding agency from their respective database search engine and OpenCanada Awards data. The data was then organized by province to create the visuals on the right.
For a provincial breakdown of funding allocation across all years click here.
*Some provinces did not report their data in 2019.
Stay tuned: once we have received a complete data set for 2022, we will update this section to include the 2022 map.