Optimisation de la résilience à la COVID‑19 des établissements de soins de longue durée desservant des minorités linguistico-culturelles au Manitoba, Nouveau Brunswick et Québec : évaluation et coconstruction d’approches innovantes pour optimiser la participation sociale des familles et proches aidants aux défis de potentielles éclosions
Transdiagnostic internet cognitive-behavior therapy for mixed anxiety and depressive disorders in primary care: A dissemination and implementation study
Mental health planning in the era of a pandemic: appropriately matching mental health needs with resources across Canada through a rapid assessment of COVID-19’s impact on adults and older adults.
A behavioural science approach to evaluate the prevalence and predictors of COVID-19-related mental health issues and maladaptive behavioural coping (MBC) to inform the development of strategies for tailored interventions