Enhancing the Lives of Older Canadians in Long Term Care in Newfoundland
This Newfoundland-based Implementation Science Team project will address specific practices described in the document “Reimagining care for older adults: ix promising practices and policy options for LTCs and PCHs” (CFHI); based on desire of LTC decision makers we are focusing on #6 – presence of family- The research will focus on LTC residents and family-centred care intervention for the LTCs. This intervention includes: 1. Virtual solutions such as e-visit by providing i-pad to facilities for day to day visit with their family and electronic messaging between LTC staff and the family to inform them about the resident health conditions; 2. Visitation policy (screening the family for COVID 19 according to the Eastern Health guidelines and maximum 2 visits per day per person; 3. Virtual mental health support for residents and family. 4. Residents care plan for COVID and non-COVID including virtual care, person-centred integrated care plans for all residents, at least of individual with IPC training among the LTC leadership to assist the LTC in case of an outbreak.