Enhancing the Lives of Older Canadians in Long Term Care in Newfoundland

Mulay, Shree | $150,000

Newfoundland and Labrador Memorial University of Newfoundland 2020 CIHR Operating Grant

This Newfoundland-based Implementation Science Team project will address specific practices described in the document “Reimagining care for older adults: ix promising practices and policy options for LTCs and PCHs” (CFHI); based on desire of LTC decision makers we are focusing on #6 – presence of family- The research will focus on LTC residents and family-centred care intervention for the LTCs. This intervention includes: 1. Virtual solutions such as e-visit by providing i-pad to facilities for day to day visit with their family and electronic messaging between LTC staff and the family to inform them about the resident health conditions; 2. Visitation policy (screening the family for COVID 19 according to the Eastern Health guidelines and maximum 2 visits per day per person; 3. Virtual mental health support for residents and family. 4. Residents care plan for COVID and non-COVID including virtual care, person-centred integrated care plans for all residents, at least of individual with IPC training among the LTC leadership to assist the LTC in case of an outbreak.

With funding from the Government of Canada

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