The Pandemic Exposes Critical Gaps in Health Workforce Data Infrastructure
We hope you enjoy this next installment in our event summaries that we are preparing on a selection of our previous Speaker Series events. Each summary provides the reader with the presentation’s objective, what we heard as the key messages, next steps, and a link to the event’s recording. While this event series is conducted in English, these summaries have been translated into French. To see the French version of this event summary, please click here.
I Bourgeault
This summary provides an overview of the Speaker Series presentation led by Dr. Bourgeault on ‘The Pandemic Exposes Critical Gaps in Health Workforce Data Infrastructure,’ originally held on February 23, 2021. The aim of her talk was to share the results of an investigation that suggested arguing in favor of improving health workforce data infrastructure to allow for better planning and decision-making practices. to share information about the World Health Organization initiatives to engage experts in the development of a public health research agenda to accelerate research and funding into infodemic interventions and management.